Original MSI J - Adolescent Male Form

The Original MSI J was designed to measure the sexual characteristics of adolescent male sex offenders (12 to 19 years old) it is also useful for older clients who are socially delayed. It can be used both to do a sex deviance evaluation as well as to measure treatment progress. It was first published in 1986.
Description and Scales
The Original MSI J contains 20 scales and a brief Social History. The core scales are the validity scales and the basic paraphilia scales of Child Molest, Rape and Exhibitionism with additional scales assessing other paraphilias (fetishes, voyeurism, bondage / discipline, and sado-masochism, sexual dysfunction, sex knowledge and treatment attitudes. This form has basically the same scales as the adult form but has some different item content because of the age and experience of adolescents. There is an additional scale, the Sex Apprehension/Confidence scale. The test booklet contains some definitions to assist in understanding the item content.
Since the basic scales of the Original MSI J are the same for the adult male version, it is assumed that the psychometric structure of the MSI J is equivalent. As noted the scales have fairly good test retest reliability (r=.89) and most scales have alpha coefficients greater than rtt=.80. Norming for the scales was undertaken using N=100 pre-treatment adolescent child molesters ranging in age from 12-18 (mean age15.14). Nearly 75% of the sample came from Washington state and the rest from Oregon, California, Texas and Georgia. All but 17% were community based referrals. The victims molested were of both genders and 37% of the adolescent sex offenders admitted to other paraphilias. Norms for the Rape and Exhibitionism scales were taken from the adult norms.
Form of Test
The Original MSI J is a paper and pencil test with 300 true/false questions and takes approximately 45 minutes for the client to take. It requires approximately a 7th grade reading level, however, a cassette tape of the questions is available for use those clients who have reading difficulties. The MSI J Scoring Templates are color coded for easy use and are designed for efficient scoring. Original MSI J forms can be scored in approximately 7 minutes. The scoring information is placed on a profile form designed for ease in interpretation by clinicians.
The 50 page Multiphasic Sex Inventory Manual contains information on the interpretation of the 20 scales as well as response pattern interpretations.
The Original MSI J is only available in English and has not been translated into any other languages.
The Original MSI J is only available for qualified clinicians to score and interpret on their own, a test scoring and interpretation service is not available. The completed answer sheet must be scored by hand using templates are the scores are recorded on a simple two page profile form that can be used in a clinical interview, report writing, treatment planning, assessing treatment progress etc. For information on obtaining a Original MSI Test Kit, please refer to our ordering information.

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437 Bowes Drive • Fircrest, WA 98466–7047 USA • Phone 253–565–4539 • Fax 253–565–0164